A couple months back I enrolled in the ‘Transition to Film’ workshop held by Ashley Crawford. Although I had attended a couple other film workshops I felt like I was still struggling to get the images I wanted out of film. I felt mostly like I was missing something. Until Ashley’s workshop.
I think what I found most refreshing about Ashley’s workshop was that it was simple and straightforward. It wasn’t full of technicalities and overcomplicated instructions. I remember the exact moment when I finally got it…we were on our weekly video conference talking about rating our film (or as Ashley called it “treating” the film). It was in that conversation that I realized ISO didn’t matter!!!! OMG! It hit me like a ton of bricks. If you shoot film then you know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, then you’ll just have to wait for Ashley’s next workshop. 😉
Since that moment I’ve felt more comfortable using my light meter and shooting. Now I just need to get out and do it more often. That’s a work in progress. 🙂
Here are some images I shot during Ashley’s workshop.
PS – Unfortunately the few weeks during the workshop it was ugly, overcast and rainy outside, not to mention we had our first snow, so I didn’t shoot as much as I wanted.
PSS – All shot with my Canon 1v and developed and scanned by The FIND Lab.
Ektar 100, rated at box speed for shadows. It was early afternoon and sunny. Developed and scanned by The FIND Lab. You can see more of the images I shot from above here: Wednesday Film Musings : Girls Day
Fuji 400H rated at 200 exposed for shadows. Overcast and close to sunset.
Ektar 100 rated at box speed and exposed for shadows. Rainy, overcast day.
Ektar 100 rated a box speed and exposed for shadows. Sunny afternoon.
Fuji 400H rated at 200 and exposed for shadows. Cloudy afternoon. More from the snow day here: Wednesday Film Musings : Omaha Snow Day
SUMMARY: Ashley’s workshop was an awakening for me. It just clicked. I can tell a major difference in my work above to what I began shooting after the workshop ended. Case and point…well see for yourself.
The workshop ended right before I left on sabbatical, so I took everything I learned with me on my travels. Here is a sneak peek of what I brought back with me. I’ll be sharing more of Hawaii and Mexico on film in a future post but until then! 😉
Shot with my Canon 1v, Ektar 100 rated at box speed and exposed for shadows. Scanned and developed by Photovision.
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